Online Exhibitions
and Lesson Plans
Online Exhibition and Lesson Plans The Shot Heard ‘Round the World: April 19, 1775
Discover the story of April 19, 1775, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and the beginnings of the American Revolution. Visit here.
These lesson plans can also pair nicely with the Museum’s microsite on the Battles of Lexington and Concord at
Online Exhibition and Lesson Plans Early Spring: Henry Thoreau and Climate Change
Visit this online exhibition bringing science and history together to learn about Henry David Thoreau’s impact on climate change science today. Visit here.
Online Exhibition and Lesson Plan Thomas Dugan: An African American Life in 1820s Concord
This exhibition explores the life of Thomas Dugan, an African American who lived in Concord in the early 1800s. Visit here.

NEH Lesson Plans
In 2017 and 2019, the Concord Museum offered weeklong summer workshops for K-12 teachers from across the country funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit here for an extensive list of lesson plans focused on Henry David Thoreau.
Traveling Revolutionary Trunk
Teachers may borrow a trunk filled with reproduction primary source artifacts and documents that help make your Revolutionary unit come alive. Along with touchable objects, the trunk includes worksheets for students to use. This trunk allows the richness of the Concord Museum’s collection to come to your classroom as you study the events surrounding April 19, 1775. Trunks can be picked up at the Concord Museum.
The Collection
The Concord Museum holds over 45,000 objects spanning over 12,000 years. Major collection areas include 18th and 19th century decorative arts, the American Revolution, transcendentalism, and objects relating to the life of Henry David Thoreau.
Learn more.
Teacher Workshops
The Museum partners with other local institutions and schools to participate in grant-funded teacher workshops which provide a forum for sharing ideas, techniques, and scholarship that enrich both the teaching and museum professional.
Contact the Education Department at [email protected] or call 978.369.9763 x217.

Massachusetts Teachers Association Members
Active members of the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), with a valid MTA membership card, receive free regular admission to the Concord Museum.
Special Exhibition Opportunities
Special exhibitions provide the opportunity to develop new curricula, online teacher resources, and educational collaborations. See our list of exhibitions.