Event Registration
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Fashioning Identity: The Garrisons and African American Fashion in Photography
Fashioning Identity: The Garrisons and African American Fashion in Photography
Fashion historian Jonathan Michael Square explores the historical significance of the Garrisons' portraits in the context of African American fashion, and how these images fit into the larger narrative of how African Americans have expressed themselves through fashion. Free for Members | $10 Non-Members | Free Virtual Supported in part by the Sally Lanagan Fund. […]
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Paul Revere: The Man, the Myth, the Legacy
Paul Revere: The Man, the Myth, the Legacy
Paul Revere: The Man, the Myth, the Legacy Paul Revere’s legacy has been both elevated and obscured by his now famous ride, 250 years ago on April 18, 1775. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s dramatic poem replaced what actually happened with a much beloved romantic version. Nina Zannieri, Executive Director of the Paul Revere Memorial Association, and Robert […]